Friday, May 15, 2009


so today i read a blog post by my totally BA mom who is in africa, but still finds time to write great blog posts. it was about how many people of my gen are scared to get married at a young age. and it got me thinking. what does it take to get in the mind set that getting married at a young age is fun, good, or awesome. as most of you know i was engaged, but it did not work out. i get asked all the time if i am alright. i have to say yes, because i know that what happened happened for a reason. was it fun to go through something like that, hell no. it hurt a lot. but you know what i found out, i am stronger because of it. i am even more in love with God, and i know that i can do all things through Him.

so back to the whole getting married young thing. i have always wanted to get married at a young age. after seeing my parents grow into who they are and seeing how my totally kickface family has come about. it makes me want that. i look at it like this, why live through life with out that person who is going to be there for you? young people today want to "have fun" when they are young. but really why not have another person to share that fun with? someone that you can go to when you are hurting? someone that you can laugh with at 2am cause you are young and have to go to work in three hours, but you just spent the night talking about all the thing you are going to do as a couple? who does not want that? and if you dont i would have to wonder why not! when God made Adam He knew that the only way to complete Adam was to make sure that he had a partner in this world.

i truly think we are all made to have that person that we are to become one with. do i think that there is only "the one". no cause then not only would i screw it up, but who knows what she would do in life that would make it so that we never met. im just saying that there are 6 BILLION people out there so there has to be more than one person that would make a great partner.

i had one of the best time with God the other day. wow totally great time! so i was reading "Crazy Love" and it was talking about living by faith and it refered to Heb. chp 11. so i go and read it. and my mind is blown away. 20 times it say "....By faith..." it goes through and recounts the many people that just lived by faith. i read it twice. and what i came way with was how many times do we try to figure out life on our own. but seem to mess it up, or we thing we have it all figured out but then things just go totally crazy! why cause we are not living by faith. that is why i think my gen does not want to get married when they are young...cause when you are young you dont have it all figured out, you have to live by faith! but i have parents that have had to live by faith and i have seen the faithfulness that God is true to those who are true to Him. i really believe that is one of the reasons that my brothers and sisters are ready to get married. we understand that when you live by faith God will guide your steps to His path. so yeah just some of my thoughts at 4:10 am!! let me know what you all think!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


so i was listening to Glenn Beck today and he got me thinking about how to help people without giving them a "handout". instead of the government spending more money on programs to help people be alright with being poor. we should make it UNCOMFORTABLE. im not saying that we should not help people out. but i am saying that we need to make is so uncomfortable that they want to help themselves out of it. we have made it too easy to be poor and have a whole generation of people thinking that someone is going to do all the leg work for them. we need to stop giving handouts to those who are not actively trying to get out of the mire. right now i am broke and have no job. but i will never ask for a handout, i would rather shovel crap 12 hours a day making 5 bucks an hour, than want someone to give me money for doing nothing.

if we make it easy to work and hard to get a hand out this country would become great once more! during the potato famines people came to this country not because they were going to get a hand out, but because they knew they could find work and if they worked hard one day they could have what they wanted.

i think back to when i was drinking everynight. i would end up on the floor throwing up and feeling like crap. but you know what, i came to a place where i was soo sick of being sick. i knew i had to change things. i was uncomfortable with where i was. but I had to do something to get myself out of that life. that is what i think needs to be done, make people sooo sick of being poor, that they want more but instead of giving them a handout we give them a job.

tell me what you think.